Snippets of Our Experience

Today, the morning began at church with a nearby Pentecostal congregation where our youths’ eyes were opened to a new and different cultural and denominational style.  We then spent the afternoon at Casa Bethesda and most purchased Larimar from our friend, Alejandro before group games and our nightly reflection.  This evening I asked our youth to each write a few sentences about their experience.  While it is hard to capture the width and depth of this week’s experience, one can hear the different ways in which our youth were shaped by their encounters in the Dominican Republic.  As they served, they received.  – Taran Denning

“Wow, just wow.  When I went on my first DR trip, I didn’t quite get this same feeling that this time gave me. And I think it was because I wasn’t ready. You have to be ready, ready for God to leave these impressions on you, for people to touch your heart in ways you could never imagine. You have to be ready to change, and let me tell you, when I met the people of the Dominican Republic, I knew I would never be quite the same ever again. So, thank you to all the Dominicans, thank you to our church for making this happen. Thank you for making me ready to change.” – Grace Anderson

“The people of the Dominican Republic live the way we should.  They love one another and are always willing to lend a helping hand.  They teach us that materialistic items do not matter and the most important things in life are the people we surround ourselves with.” – Sydney Wilcox

“Throughout this trip I have changed my definition of wealth. Before this, I thought of wealth in the way that most people do; having all of the latest and greatest things with a big house and lots of money. While this material definition of wealth is correct, wealth can also take the form of love, openness, and happiness. The communities here have next to nothing, but yet they are the wealthiest individuals I have met in my life. They have so much love and hospitality to give, and that has had the biggest impact on me this trip.” –Josh Fritz

“No matter where I go, how old I grow, or what I know, I will always remember this past week at the Dominican. It has had such an impact on my life that I will never be able to put into words. Mom and Emma, I love you and I will be home soon. Bill, if you’re reading this, your shampoo sucks bro.”­ –Calen Wiechert

“Seeing people who are so dedicated to God that they would stand for hours in a sweltering church makes me feel guilty that I get fidgety when Pastor Jim talks too much. The DR will always have a huge chunk of my heart and I cherished every second spent here. I can’t wait till I’m reunited with my home away from home and the amazing people that inhabit it (Especially my best friend Franklin). “ –Mak Albrecht

“This trip has showed me what pure joy, happiness, and love looks like. Even though the people we have helped here have much less material wise, they are much more wealthy in what is actually important in life. Getting a big hug from the little kids everyday and seeing them smile over the little things like getting piggy back rides or just getting an empty water bottle from us is something I am always going remember. This trip has had an amazing impact on me.” –Alyssa Pukitis

“The people of the Dominican Republic continue to amaze me and teach me in so many ways. They amaze me through the love they are so eager and willing to give to anyone and everyone no matter who you are. The Dominican Republic and the people I’ve met will forever be in my heart. To my family reading this, I love and miss you, see you soon.” –Tori Veter

“I cannot express how greatly I have been impacted by this country and these people. In comparison to the culture of America, the Dominican culture radiates love and compassion to all that come to their home including me, a foreigner, whom they just met.” –Delaney Fritz

“There is no better way to experience God’s love than in person.  Dominicans, Americans, and all people are loved by God.  Material items are pointless, but the light from Jesus is priceless.” –Ella Heideman

“I will never forget the place or the people. Welp mom I’m also Dominican now , love you.”- Q Stingley

“I won’t forget the joy on the kids faces as we rolled in to the Bateys. It’s crazy how selfless and grateful these people are, this is for sure an experience I will never forget.” –Danikah Johnson

“I’m thankful I was able to go on this trip because I met people who I will forever remember. They showed me that although you might not speak the same language or might not be from the same country, it’s easy to love or care for people you don’t know.”  -Caytlynn Crider

“The way the children ran up to us in the bateys and they were just incredibly happy to see us. It filled my heart just to see the smile on the children’s faces.”-Colin Buell

“The first thing I thought of when going on this trip was how long it would be until I got home. Now, all I can think about is how long it’s going to be until I can come back to the DR.” –Austin Albrecht

“Everyone I met was very welcoming and loving. Most were also very proud and happy of their homes. Lastly it’s a paradise.”  -Adam Fritz

“I loved to see all the kids’ faces when we pulled up to the Bateys. They were all so happy to see us and it was just so amazing to experience their joy.” –Madison Stull

“This trip has truly been life changing.  Seeing the excitement on all the people’s faces was just incredible.  I feel like I learned a lot and I will remember this forever.” –Alexia Williams

“I have a lot of stretched shirts, and am really tired, but I’ve had a lot of fun.  The children have been great of course, but I have no idea how they have as much energy as they do but I love it.” –William Strauch

“One time I went to the Dominic Republic and I just couldn’t wait to go back to football in a week or so but then I saw how with very little the people of the DR were still as happy as us Americans and how much they loved when we came to their village.- Kristopher Prince

“Words cannot describe the never-ending support the Dominican provides. They have so little materially and it leaves room for the love that envelopes each and every person who steps foot in their home.” –Gabby Johnson

“A home away from home.  Everywhere you go, everyone welcomes you with open arms. The children in the bateys have forever touched my heart and showed me that items don’t make you happy but your family and friends do.” –Alyssa McKibbon

“The people here are so kind, even though they have so little they give so much. They have taught me to be loving to everyone, including complete strangers. I have been welcomed like family by them.”  -Carmina Heideman


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